

This public version of the World Auchenorrhyncha Database presented by TaxonPages and curated in a TaxonWorks instance, displays an overview of the most relevant information of the database. The design in panels provides the option to download the data in DwC/CSV formats. A breadcrumb navigation was designed for taxonomy hierarchy, displayed on the top of each taxon page, and a tree browser for descendants and synonyms is displayed on the right.

Allows to search for a taxon name without needing to write the entire name of the taxon. E.g.: When searching for Erasmoneura vulnerata, you may only write “era vul” and get the complete name as an option to select. If the search returns too many results, and the name you are looking for is not visible, continue typing before you see the name in search. You will see names followed by a check mark (✔) for valid taxon names or a red cross (❌) for unavailable or invalid names. Names can also be indicated with (c) corresponding to subsequent combinations. If an invalid name or a subsequent combination is selected, you will automatically be redirected to the page with valid taxon name.

OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit). In TaxonWorks the nomenclature is treated separately from the taxonomy (OTUs), which are the biological units where images, specimens and distribution, as well as other biological information are linked to. Protonym. This is the first published form of a taxon name, this roughly corresponds to the original combination or spelling of the name, but also appies to unavailable names (as they were originally introduced in the literature)


The ID number shown in the type specimen panel corresponds to the catalog number of the repository, when available. If not, it corresponds to the occurrence ID provided by TaxonWorks.


The green Search button on the upper right allows you to delimit an area to find species distributed therein, which will then be listed on the right.

Asserted Distribution. Refers to a geographic area for a taxon listed in a publication.

Collection Objects. Correspond to specimens or series of specimens

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