Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (8)

  • Phyllyphanta Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843a: 523.

    type species by original monotypy Poeciloptera [sic] producta Spinola, 1839

  • Phylliphanta [sic] Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 in Spinola, 1850a: 53.
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Pyllyphanta [sic] Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 in Jacobi, 1944a: 62.
  • Pyllyphanta [sic] Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 (misspelling of Phyllyphanta Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843) in Jacobi, 1944a: 62.


Poeciloptera [sic] producta Spinola, 1839 type species by original monotypy of Phyllyphanta Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843

Gender, form, and etymology


Greek: φύλλον (leaf) + ὑφαντός (woven)

Nomenclature references (5)

  • Amyot, C.J.-B. & Audinet-Serville, J.G. (1843a) Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Hémiptères. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret. Paris, lxxvi + 676 pp. + 12 pls.
  • Fowler, W.W. (1900f) Order Rhynchota. Suborder Hemiptera-Homoptera. (Continued). In Biologia Centrali-Americana; or, Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna and flora of Mexico and Central America. Porter. London. . Vol. 1, pp. 49–56.
  • ... Show all ... (1)
  • Jacobi, A.F.V. (1944a) Die Zikadenfauna der Provinz Fukien in Sudchina und ihre tiergeographischen Beziehungen. Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 34, 5–66.
  • Spinola, M. (1850a) Tavola sinottica dei generi spettanti alla classe degle insetti artroidignati, Flemiptera, Linn. Latr. -Rhyngota, Fab.-Rhynchota, Burm. Memorie della Società Italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena, 25(1), 1–60. [reprinted in 1852 with different page numbers]
  • Stål, C. (1856a) Hemipterologiska bidrag. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, 13, 51–68.


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