Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (10)

  • Fulgora (Hotina [sic]) viridirostris Westwood, 1848: 8.
  • Fulgora (Hotinus) viridirostris Westwood, 1848: 8.
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  • Pyrops viridirostris (Westwood, 1848) in Liang, 1998a: 45.
  • Fulgora brevirostris Butler, 1874 (subjective synonym of Fulgora (Hotina [sic]) viridirostris Westwood, 1848) in Jiaranaisakul, Constant & Pinkaew, 2024: 72.
Gender, form, and etymology


Latin: having green rostrum

Nomenclature references (7)

  • Butler, A.G. (1874c) List of the species of Fulgora, with descriptions of new forms in the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1874, 97–102.
  • Jiaranaisakul, K., Constant, J. & Pinkaew, N. (2024) Review of the lanternfly genus Pyrops of Thailand (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) with notes and keys to species. Zootaxa, 5397(1), 47–79.
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  • Liang, A.-P. (1998a) Nomenclatorial notes on the Oriental lanternfly genus Pyrops Spinola (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea: Fulgoridae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 23(1), 41–47.
  • Metcalf, Z.P. (1947c) General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV: Fulgoroidea. Part 9. Fulgoridae. Northhampton, MA: Smith College. 276 p.
  • Schaum, H.R. (1850a) Fulgorellae. In Allegemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Kunste in alnhaberischen folge von Genannten Schriftstellern bearbeitet und herausgegeben von I.S. Ersch und I.G. Gruber mit Kupfern und Charten. Erster Section A-G. . . Vol. 51, pp. 58–73.
  • Walker, F. (1851a) List of the specimens of homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II. London: Edward Newman, Vol. 2, 261–636 pp. + 3–4 pls.
  • Westwood, J.O. (1848) The cabinet of Oriental entomology; being a selection of some of the rarer and more beautiful species of insects, natives of India and the adjacent islands, the greater portion of which are now for the first time described and figured. In Oriental Insects. William Smith, London. . 88 pp. + 42 pls.


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