Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (14)

  • Fulgora fuliginosa Olivier, 1792a: 574.
  • Lystra fuliginosa (Olivier, 1792) in Germar, 1830a: 52.
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  • Crepusia fuliginosa (Olivier, 1792) in Nast, 1951b: 270.
  • Poiocera venosa Walker, 1851 (subjective synonym of Fulgora fuliginosa Olivier, 1792) in Nast, 1951b: 270.
Gender, form, and etymology


Latin: sooty, blackened

Nomenclature references (8)

  • Germar, E.F. (1830a) Species Cicadarium enumeratae et sub genera distributae. Entomologisches Archiv (T. Thon), 2(2), 37–57. [separate paged 1-8]
  • Gerstaecker, C.E.A. (1860a) Uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannten Arten der Fulgorinen-Gattung Poiocera Lap. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 26, 210–244.
  • ... Show all ... (4)
  • Kirkaldy, G.W. (1907i) Leaf-hoppers. Hemiptera Homoptera. Report of work of the Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association. Division of Entomology bulletin, 4, 60–66.
  • Nast, J. (1951b) Some remarks on neotropical Fulgoridae with descriptions of new genera and species (Homoptera). Annales Musei Zoologici Polonici, 14(19), 267–279.
  • Olivier, G.-A. (1792a) Fulgore, Fulgora. In Encyclopédie méthodique: Histoire naturelle: Insectes. Panckoucke. Paris. . Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 561–577. [1791; in French; 704 pp.]
  • Schaum, H.R. (1850a) Fulgorellae. In Allegemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Kunste in alnhaberischen folge von Genannten Schriftstellern bearbeitet und herausgegeben von I.S. Ersch und I.G. Gruber mit Kupfern und Charten. Erster Section A-G. . . Vol. 51, pp. 58–73.
  • Van Duzee, E.P. (1916a) Check list of Hemiptera (excepting the Aphididae, Aleurodidae and Coccidae) of America North of Mexico. New York Entomological Society, New York, xi + 111.
  • Walker, F. (1851a) List of the specimens of homopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part II. London: Edward Newman, Vol. 2, 261–636 pp. + 3–4 pls.


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