_Ischnocentrus niger_. Depicts Ischnocentrus Stål, 1870, an Otu.
_Ischnocentrus niger_. Depicts Ischnocentrus Stål, 1870, an Otu.

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (3)

  • Ischnocentrus Stål, 1870: 293.

    type species by subsequent designation Ischnocentrus niger Stål, 1870 in Funkhouser, 1927f: 418

  • Ishnocentrus [sic] Stål, 1870 in Flynn, 2012: 40.
  • Ishnocentrus [sic] Stål, 1870 (misspelling of Ischnocentrus Stål, 1870) in Flynn, 2012: 40.


Ischnocentrus niger Stål, 1870 type species by subsequent designation of Ischnocentrus Stål, 1870

Gender, form, and etymology


Greek: ισχνός (thin, weak) + κέντρον (sharp point)

Nomenclature references (3)

  • Flynn, D.J. (2012) Checklist of treehoppers of Panama (Hemiptera: Membracidae) with a list of checklists and keys to the Nearctic and Neotropical fauna. Zootaxa, 3405, 35–63.
  • Funkhouser, W.D. (1927f) General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle I. Membracidae. G. Horváth & H.M. Parshley (Eds.). Smith College, Northampton, Mass., U.S.A., XIV + 581 pp.
  • Stål, C. (1870) Bidrag till membracidernas kännedom. In Öfversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar. Tjugondesjette årgången 1869. Stockholm, Norstedt & Soner. . pp. 231–300.


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