Gargarini Distant, 1908: _Gargara genistae_. (Otu).
Gargarini Distant, 1908: _Gargara genistae_. (Otu).

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (19)

  • Gargararia Distant, 1908g: 45.

    type genus Gargara Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843

  • Coccosterphusaria Distant, 1908g: 59.

    type genus Coccosterphus Stål, 1869

  • ... Show all ... (15)
  • Tricentrini Ahmad & Yasmeen, 1972 (subjective synonym of Gargararia Distant, 1908) in Yu, Feng, Dietrich & Yuan, 2022: 11.
  • Antialcidini Yuan & Zhang, 2002 (subjective synonym of Gargararia Distant, 1908) in Yu, Feng, Dietrich & Yuan, 2022: 11.


Gargara Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 type genus of Gargarini Distant, 1908

Nomenclature references (10)

  • Ahmad, I. & Yasmeen, N. (1972a) A revision of the genus Tricentrus Stål from Pakistan. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Karachi, 2, 37.
  • Boulard, M. (1995d) Membracidés nouveaux des îles Seychelles. Création d'une tribu nouvelle (Homoptera Membracoidea Membracidae). École Pratique des Hautes Études, Travaux du Laboratoire Biologie et Evolution des Insectes Hemipteroidea, 7-8, 179–188. [1994/1995]
  • ... Show all ... (6)
  • Distant, W.L. (1908g) Rhynchota. IV. Homoptera and appendix (Pt.). In The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 1–419. [XV + 501 pp.]
  • Esaki, T. & Ishihara, T. (1950a) Hemiptera of Shansi, North China. Hemiptera I. Homoptera. Mushi, 21, 39–48, pls. 5–7.
  • Lallemand, V. (1925a) "Hemiptera Homoptera." In Zoological results of the Swedish Expedition to Central Africa 1921. Insecta. Arkiv för Zoologi. Utgifvet af K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, 18, 1–8.
  • McKamey, S.H. (1997a) Nomenclatural changes in the Membracidae and Aetalionidae (Hemiptera: Membracoidea): species-group names and Sphongophorus Fairmaire, revised status. Steenstrupia, 22, 1–11. [1996]
  • Schmidt, E. (1922i) Beiträge zur Kenntnis aussereuropäischer Zikaden (Rhynchota, Homoptera). XXII. Kanada grandis, eine neue Membracide von Ostindien. Archiv für Naturgeschichte, 88, 265–266.
  • Thirumalai, G. & Ananthasubramanian, K.S. (1985a) Taxonomic studies on the Membracidae of southern India (Homoptera: Insecta). I. Entomon, 10(3), 223–233.
  • Yu, R.-T., Feng, L.-N., Dietrich, C.H. & Yuan, X.-Q. (2022) Characterization, comparison of four new mitogenomes of Centrotinae (Hemiptera: Membracidae) and phylogenetic implications supports new synonymy. Life, 12(61), 1–15.
  • Yuan, F. & Chou, I. (2002a) Fauna Sinica. Insecta. Volume 28. Homoptera. Membracoidea: Aetalionidae Membracidae. Science Press, Beijing, China, xix + 590 pp., IV pls. [in Chinese]


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