_Alobia alutacea_. Depicts Alobia Stål, 1869, an Otu.
_Alobia alutacea_. Depicts Alobia Stål, 1869, an Otu.

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (4)

  • Darnis (Alobia) Stål, 1869a: 32.

    type species by original monotypy Darnis (Alobia) alutacea Stål, 1869

  • Alebia [sic] Stål, 1869 in Buckton, 1902a: 149.
  • Alebia [sic] Stål, 1869 (misspelling of Darnis (Alobia) Stål, 1869) in Buckton, 1902a: 149.
  • Alobia Stål, 1869 in Goding, 1926e: 305.


Darnis (Alobia) alutacea Stål, 1869 type species by original monotypy of Alobia Stål, 1869

Gender, form, and etymology


Greek: ἀ- (no) + λοβός (lobe) + -ία (noun suffix)

Nomenclature references (3)

  • Buckton, G.B. (1902a) A monograph of the Membracidae. L. Reeve & Co., Limited. London, pp. 93–180, pls. 29–38.
  • Goding, F.W. (1926e) Classification of the Membracidae of America. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 34, 295–317.
  • Stål, C. (1869a) Hemiptera Fabriciana. Fabricianska Hemipterarter, efter de i Köpenhamn och Kiel förvarade typexemplaren granskade och beskrifne. 2. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 8(1), 1–130.


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