Tragopini Stål, 1866: _Stilbophora luteimaculata_ (right) and Horiola (left). (Otu).
Tragopini Stål, 1866: _Stilbophora luteimaculata_ (right) and Horiola (left). (Otu).

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (11)

  • Tragopida Stål, 1866a: 83.

    type genus Tragopa Latreille, 1829

  • Tragopinae Stål, 1866 in Goding, 1892a: 253.
  • ... Show all ... (7)
  • Anobilini Tode, 1966 (subjective synonym of Tragopida Stål, 1866) in Deitz, 1975a: 99.
  • Horiolini Goding, 1929 (subjective synonym of Tragopida Stål, 1866) in Deitz, 1975a: 99.
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Tragopa Latreille, 1829 type genus of Tragopini Stål, 1866

Nomenclature references (6)

  • Deitz, L.L. (1975a) Classification of the higher categories of the New World treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae). Technical Bulletin of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, 225, 1–177.
  • Goding, F.W. (1892a) A synopsis of the subfamilies and genera of the Membracidae of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia), 19, 253–260.
  • ... Show all ... (2)
  • Goding, F.W. (1929e) The Membracidae of South America and the Antilles. IV. Subfamilies Hoplophorioninae, Darninae, Smiliinae, Tragopinae (Homoptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society (Philadelphia), 55, 197–330.
  • Handlirsch, A.P.J. (1925a) "Ordung: Homoptera (Latr.) Westw. (Homopteren)." In Systematische Übersicht (Schluss.). In C. Schröder (Ed.). Handbuch der Entomologie. Gustav Fischer. Jena. . Vol. 3, Issues 17-18, pp. 1102–1126. [VIII + 1202 pp.]
  • Stål, C. (1866a) Hemiptera Homoptera Latr. In Hemiptera Africana. . . Vol. 4, pp. 1–276 + pl. 1.
  • Tode, W.D. (1966a) Taxionomische Untersuchungen an der sudamerikanischen Membracidengattung Tragopa Latreille, 1829, und deren Neugliederung. Mitteilungen der Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut., 63, 265–328.


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