Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (99)

  • Aphrophora Germar, 1821a: 48. (Official List of Generic Names in Zoological Nomenclature)

    type species by ruling by the Commission Cercopis alni Fallén, 1805 in International Commission On Zoological Nomenclature, 1961e: 109

  • Aprophora [sic] Germar, 1821 in Gebler, 1830a: 18.
  • ... Show all ... (95)
  • Tukaphora Matsumura, 1942 (subjective synonym of Aphrophora Germar, 1821) in Liang, 1998: 243.
  • Yezophora Matsumura, 1940 (subjective synonym of Aphrophora Germar, 1821) in Liang, 1998: 241.


Cercopis alni Fallén, 1805 type species by ruling by the Commission of Aphrophora (Aphrophora) Germar, 1821

Gender, form, and etymology


Greek: ἀφρός (foam) + φορά (to bear, show, have)

Nomenclature references (24)

  • Bachmetjew, P.I. (1901a) Experimentelle entomologische Studien vom physikaliisich-chemischen Standpunkt aus. Temperaturverhältnisse bei Insekten. Vol. 1, 944 pp.
  • Balachowsky, A.S. & Mesnil, L. (1936a) Les insectes nuisibles aux plantes cultivées. Leurs moeurs. Leur destruction. Traité d'entomologie agricole concernant la France, la Corse, l'Afrique du Nord et les régions limitrophes. 1535-1539. Fig. 1226-1227.
  • ... Show all ... (20)
  • Bird, R.D. (1930a) Biotic communities of the aspen parkland of central Canada. Ecology, 11, 356–442.
  • China, W.E. (1951c) A note on Matsumura's recent paper on the Palaeartic Cercopoidea (Homoptera). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 87, 279.
  • Esaki, T. & Ito, S. (1954a) A tentative catalogue of Jassoidea of Japan, and her adjacent territories. Japan Society for Promotion of Science. Ueno Park, Tokyo, 315 pp.
  • Germar, E.F. (1821a) Bemerkungen über einige Gattungen der Cicadarien. Magazin der Entomologie, 4, 1–106.
  • Hamilton, K.G.A. (1976a) Cicadellidae (Rhynchota: Homoptera) described by Provancher, with notes on his publications. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 103, 29–45.
  • International Commission On Zoological Nomenclature, I.C.Z.N. (1961e) Opinion 590. Aphrophora Germar, 1821 (Insecta, Hemipera): designation under the plenary powers of a type-species in harmony with accustomed usage. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 18, 109–111.
  • Ishihara, T. (1966a) Homoptera of the Kurile Islands. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society, 9(2), 31–40.
  • Komatsu, T. (1997a) A revision of the froghopper genus Aphrophora Germar (Homoptera, Cercopidea, Aphrophoridae) from Japan, Parts 1. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 65, 81–96.
  • Le Guillou, E.J.F. (1841a) Description des Hémyptères nouveaux qu'il à recueillis pendant son voyage de circumnavigation sur le corvette le Zélée. Revue Zoologique, par la Société cuvierienne; Association Universelle pour l'Advancement de la Zoologie, de l'Anatomie comparée et de la Palaéontologie; Journal mensuel. Paris, 1841, 260–263.
  • Lee, C.-E. & Kwon, Y.J. (1979a) Comparative morphology and phytogeny of the Korean Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). Korean Journal of Entomology, 9(1), 7–27.
  • Liang, A.-P. (1998) Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic aphrophorid fauna (Homoptera: Aphrophoridae): taxonomic changes and nomenclatural notes. Oriental Insects, 32, 239–257.
  • Matsumura, S. (1903a) Monographie der Cercopiden Japans. The Journal of the Sapporo Agricultural College, Sapporo, Japan, 2, 15–52.
  • Matsumura, S. (1904a) Additamenta zur Monographie der Cercopiden Japans, mit der Beschreibung einer neuen Cicada-Art. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses, 5, 31–54.
  • Matsumura, S. (1940a) New species and genera of Cercopidae in Japan, Korea and Formosa with a list of the known species. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 45(2), 35–82.
  • Matsumura, S. (1942a) New species and new genera of Palaearctic Superfamily Cercopoidea with a tabular key to the classification. Insecta Matsumurana, 16, 44–70.
  • Matsumura, S. (1942b) New species and new genera of Palaearctic Superfamily Cercopoidea with a tabular key to the classification. (II). Insecta Matsumurana, 16, 71–106.
  • Melichar, L. (1901f) Rozbor křísů palearktických z čeledi Membracidae Stål a Cercopidae Stål. Jahrbuch des Naturwissenschaftlichen Klubs in Prossnitz, 4, 3–34 + pls. 1–2.
  • Metcalf, Z.P. (1962f) General catalogue of the Homoptera. Fascicle VII. Cercopoidea. Part 3. Aphrophoridae. USA: Waverly press, Inc., Baltimore, MD. VII + 600 p.
  • Nast, J. (1972a) Palaearctic Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera). An annotated check list. Polish Scientific Publishers, Warszawa, 550 pp.
  • Provancher, L. (1889a) Deuxième sous-ordre les Homoptères. In Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada, précédée d'un Traité elémentaire d'Entomologie. . . Vol. 3, pp. 207–292.
  • Uyttenboogaart, D.L. (1918a) Verslag van het Biologisch onderzoek van de Maas en hare oevers ingesteld ingevolge opdracht van het Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg. Jaarb. Nat. Gen. Limburg., 1918, 93–112.
  • von Gebler, F.A. (1830a) Bemerkungen über die Insekten Sibiriens, vorzüglich des Altai. In Ledebour's Reise durch das Altai-Gebirge und die soongorische Kirgisen-Steppe auf Kosten der Kaiserlichen Universität Dorpat unter nommen im Jahre 1826 in Vegleitung der Herren D. Carl Anton Meyer und D. Alexander von Bunge. Zweiter Theil. Mit Kupfern und Karten. G. Reimer, Berlin. . Vol. 2, pp. 1–228. [522 + 228 pp.]


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