Habitus, dorsal view: Dorsal. (Observation).
Habitus, dorsal view: Dorsal. (Observation).
Habitus, lateral view: Lateral. (Observation).
Pygofer, lateral view: genital capsule, laterally. (Observation).
Subgenital plate: genital capsule, ventrally. (Observation).
Head: head, dorsally. (Observation).
Head: Head/Face. (Observation).
Ovipositor: female pygofer, ventrally. (Observation).
Other: Labels. Labels for the specimen used for the dorsal, lateral and face images. (Observation).
Live specimen: (Observation).

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (4)

  • Deltocephalus grammicus Ball, 1900b: 204.

    Lectotype; female; 5f92eb53-e22f-4426-b225-e67a1c1749b8; deposited at: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (USNM); U.S.A., Colorado: Julesburg, 4.VIII.1899

  • Deltocephalus (Flexamia) grammicus Ball, 1900 in DeLong, 1926d: 37.
  • Flexamia grammicus (Ball, 1900) in DeLong & Caldwell, 1937c: 27.
  • Flexamia grammica (Ball, 1900) in Beamer, 1938d: 226.
Gender, form, and etymology


from Greek (γράμμα): line

Nomenclature references (5)

  • Ball, E.D. (1900b) Some new Jassidae from the Southwest. The Canadian Entomologist, 32, 200–205.
  • Beamer, R.H. (1938d) Miscellaneous leafhoppers with descriotions of five new species (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). The Canadian Entomologist, 70, 224–230.
  • ... Show all ... (1)
  • DeLong, D.M. & Caldwell, J.S. (1937c) Check list of the Cicadellidae (Homoptera) of America, north of Mexico. Ohio State University, Columbus, IV + 93 pp.
  • DeLong, D.M. (1926d) A monographic study of the North American species of the genus Deltocephalus. University Studies. The Ohio State University. Contributions in zoology and entomology. 2 (13): i-x, 1-129.
  • Young, D.A., Jr. & Beirne, B.P. (1958a) A taxonomic revision of the leafhopper genus Flexamia and a new related genus. Technical Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1173, 1–53.


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