genital capsule, laterally. Depicts Pygofer, lateral view, an Observation.
genital capsule, laterally. Depicts Pygofer, lateral view, an Observation.
female pygofer, ventrally. Depicts Ovipositor, an Observation.
genital capsule, ventrally. Depicts Subgenital plate, an Observation.
head, dorsally. Depicts Head, an Observation.
Head/Face. Depicts Head, an Observation.
Dorsal. Depicts Habitus, dorsal view, an Observation.
Lateral. Depicts Habitus, lateral view, an Observation.
Labels. Labels for the specimen used for the dorsal, lateral and face images. Depicts Other, an Observation.
Depicts Live specimen, an Observation.

Descendants and synonyms

Nomenclature (4)

  • Deltocephalus grammicus Ball, 1900b: 204.

    Lectotype; female; 5f92eb53-e22f-4426-b225-e67a1c1749b8; deposited at: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (USNM); U.S.A., Colorado: Julesburg, 4.VIII.1899

  • Deltocephalus (Flexamia) grammicus Ball, 1900 in DeLong, 1926d: 37.
  • Flexamia grammicus (Ball, 1900) in DeLong & Caldwell, 1937c: 27.
  • Flexamia grammica (Ball, 1900) in Beamer, 1938d: 226.
Gender, form, and etymology


from Greek (γράμμα): line

Nomenclature references (5)

  • Ball, E.D. (1900b) Some new Jassidae from the Southwest. The Canadian Entomologist, 32, 200–205.
  • Beamer, R.H. (1938d) Miscellaneous leafhoppers with descriotions of five new species (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). The Canadian Entomologist, 70, 224–230.
  • ... Show all ... (1)
  • DeLong, D.M. & Caldwell, J.S. (1937c) Check list of the Cicadellidae (Homoptera) of America, north of Mexico. Ohio State University, Columbus, IV + 93 pp.
  • DeLong, D.M. (1926d) A monographic study of the North American species of the genus Deltocephalus. University Studies. The Ohio State University. Contributions in zoology and entomology. 2 (13): i-x, 1-129.
  • Young, D.A., Jr. & Beirne, B.P. (1958a) A taxonomic revision of the leafhopper genus Flexamia and a new related genus. Technical Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1173, 1–53.


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